

Tue 3:00 pm - 5:35 pm


One of the following courses: computational chemistry, computational physics, computational material science, quantum mechanicsm, and structural chemistry.

Required coding language

python or C or Julia or Matlab or Fortran (at least you know one language)

Grading policy

100% Homework

Office hour

Friday 3:00pm - 4:00pm


  • week 1: review basic concepts of quantum mechanics

  • week 2: time-dependent perturbation theory I hw1

  • week 3: time-dependent perturbation theory II hw2

  • week 4: time-dependent perturbation theory III hw3

  • week 5: a general description of light-matter inateraction hw4

  • week 6: introduction to the density matrix representation hw5

  • week 7: linear response hw6

  • week 8: non-linear response

  • week 9: adiabatic approximation and geometric phase hw7

  • week 10: introduction of density functional theory (DFT)

  • week 11: ab initio molecular dynamics

  • week 12: beyond BOMD: Ehrenfest molecular dynamics

  • week 13: beyond BOMD: surface hopping and multiple spawning method hw8